Tactus SF presents...
Timor et Tremor
Songs in Times of Peril
Monday, June 6, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.
Christian Science Organization, Berkeley (2601 Durant Ave, Berkeley)
$10 Suggested Donation (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Online tickets available through June 12th*
Cipriano de Rore – O Socii
Adrian Willaert – Dulces Exuviae
Antoine Brumel – Ave Stella Matutina
Carlo Gesualdo – In Monte Oliveti
William Byrd – Ne irascaris / Civitas sancti tui
Josquin des Prez – Domine, ne in furore
Tiburtio Massaino – Anima mea liquefacta est
Orlando di Lasso – Timor et Tremor
*The recording is on a private YouTube link that is available to watch indefinitely. Online tickets will be available for reservation through the end of the Festival, June 12th.
This concert is part of The Fringe during San Francisco Early Music Society's Berkeley Festival & Exhibition. We will abide by the festival's current Covid-19 protocols.